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Statement from Birmingham Mayor Randall L. Woodfin

“In less than 24 hours between 6 p.m. Friday and 3 p.m. Saturday, three people were killed. Last night, five more people were shot, with two losing their lives. 

That’s five lives lost in barely two days.

Birmingham police are working fervently to provide justice for families devastated by this sudden loss. But as I’ve said before, BPD cannot work alone. We all have a role. 

And here’s what I’m asking of you, Birmingham. 

We believe some of these senseless murders are gang related.  

If you have a son or a friend that’s in or affiliated with H2K, 6500 boys, 420, TMSG, or CPMG, please reason with them. Ask them to call a truce, ask them to lay low, ask them to chill and put the guns down.  

Too many lives have been lost and none of this is worth the cycle of retaliation and death that’s crippling our community and literally snatching your sons’ lives. 

To the parents, loved ones, children and friends – please connect with your teenager and/or young men affiliated with these gangs and help us find peace. 

To the OGs, family members, and friends locked up in the county jail, state or federal custody – please help and assist with a truce.

We are beyond tired of burying our sons. We don’t want yours buried too.”