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Registration open for free summer workshop for Birmingham middle schoolers

Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin joined Birmingham City Schools Superintendent Dr. Lisa Herring and Worship Center Christian Church Pastor Van Moody this week to announce that the school system and the church will offer a six-week program to help prevent the “summer slide’’ in students during the summer break. The Children’s Defense Fund recently selected the Worship Center as a Freedom School to run a summer program at two locations. This is the first and only Freedom School in Birmingham.

Freedom Schools will be located at Wilkerson Middle School and the Worship Center’s Derby Parkway site. The 50 slots for the Derby Parkway location are full.  However, slots for Wilkerson Middle School are still available. The school is located at 116 11th Court West. To see a Facebook video of the press conference, go here.

The Wilkerson Middle School location is only for Birmingham City Schools male students who’ll be going to the sixth to eighth grade in the fall. There are 50 slots. It will be held June 18 – July 27 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. For more info, please visit

The church is also hiring college students to work in its Freedom Schools this summer. Applications are now available. Eligible students must have had at least one year of college. Students must be between the ages of 19 -30 with at least a 3.0 GPA. All job applicants will undergo a background check and a child protection check.

To apply for a job, please visit Scroll to the very bottom of the page to find a link for the job application.

The Freedom School summer program will offer:

  • Reading enrichment
  • Parental engagement
  • Nonviolent resolution and critical thinking skills
  • Community service and social action projects
  • Two, free meals and a snack every day